Engineering & Quality Solutions, Inc. is the perfect resource for medical device start-ups and business ventures. Contact us today to get started.

Part 4 – Transitioning to Internal Resources

This is the final installment in a four-part series on how Engineering & Quality Solutions, Inc. can help business ventures and start-ups by consulting on product development, quality systems, manufacturing and transitioning to internal resources if needed. We consult on-site or remotely and can work in a small or large capacity, as company inside resources or outside consultants, whatever works for your company model and stage. Many start-ups operate entirely in the cloud with resources living in different states, and this is a great model to reduce overhead and attract the best personnel. As the company and business evolves and grows, we adapt and provide the resources you need at the exact time you need them!

When business grows and matures, start-ups may decide to remain remote and cloud-based or to transition to a central office. The consultants at Engineering & Quality Solutions, Inc. have worked with all sizes and stages of medical device companies and we understand how businesses function at different stages. We can help streamline transitions by managing growth phases, training new employees, and continuing to support your company as needed.

We can help with: